Documentary Film  Quiet Water

Directed by: David Vigner
Camera: Adam Profous
Editing: John Duffy Jr. Lukáš Skalník
Sound: František Šec
Version: czech 
Subtitles: czech, english

"I am fascinated by beauty. When I really like something, I have to capture it", says artist Jaroslava Bičovská about her work.

"I had the opportunity to make a film about beauty, about beautiful beings. The future viewer of the film has a rare opportunity to pause for a moment in the cinema at the beauty of our world in the works of Mrs. Jaroslava", said director David Vigner about the film.

The full-length time-lapse documentary film follows the artist Jaroslava Bičovská between 2014 and 2019. The native of Brandýs nad Labem has a significant artistic legacy and remarkable handwriting. The documentary also lightly touches on her private life, which is closely related to the painter's artistic vision and feelings. The entire film is primarily focused on a cross-section of work from the 1960s to the present day. A characteristic feature of Jaroslava Bičovská's drawing is the use of a special technique. The author first engraves her inspiration on paper, only then uses a pencil. This style resists absolute realism. In addition to Jaroslava Bičovská, close friends and fine art analysts will appear in the documentary.